The Arthritis Portal exists to spread knowledge and facts about osteoarthritis directly to those affected or to those who just want to learn more about the disease. Our site is run by a research group at Lund University under the lead of MD and Professor Martin Englund. Most news articles are written by our communicator, Ebba Andersson, who is also a registered nurse.
Osteoarthritis is a disease that affects many; in Sweden, one in four people over 45 years of age has osteoarthritis in one or several joints.
Getting osteoarthritis in the knee joint, hip joint, or finger joints is among the most common, but did you know that osteoarthritis can affect all joints of the body?
Currently, there is no medication that cures osteoarthritis. The basic treatment for those affected by osteoarthritis is exercise and information about the disease to be able to live as good as poosible despite the illness. For those who are overweight, weight loss is also an important part of basic treatment. In cases where this is not enough, it’s common with pain-relieving medication. The last step if this type of treatment isn’t sufficient is joint replacement surgery.
Osteoarthritis is a disease that can limit everyday life for those affected; however, some manage to live as usual.
Do you suspect you might have osteoarthritis? Then we recommend you contact your health care center for further help. You will usually get the opportunity to meet both a doctor and a physiotherapist there who can help you with different aspects of the disease.
Something that often forms part of basic treatment for osteoarthritis is ‘osteoarthritis school,’ (SV: artrosskola) which we have written about before and you can read more about here. The Arthritis Portal does not provide any ‘osteoarthritis school’ but recommends contacting your health care center or physiotherapist if you want to participate or know more.
The Arthritis Portal does not provide individual medical advice either via our email or on our social media.
If you have a general question about the disease or something related to it, however, it is fine to email us: kontakt [at] artrosportalen [dot] se, we try to answer your questions as soon as we can. There we also gratefully receive tips on what we could write more about or improve!
Thank you for reading and spreading the word about The Arthritis Portal so that more people can learn about the disease.